Karmic Guidance

Through counseling, meditation, breath work and mantra you find a connection to the true self, to the greatness that is being revealed through the unfolding experiences of your life.

What is Karmic Guidance?

In Karmic Guidance we create a safe space to lay your life experiences on the table to unpack and reframe. In this reframing we identify the patterns of the false narratives playing out through your life that are causing suffering.

Through counseling, meditation, breath work and mantra you find a connection to the true self, to the greatness that is being revealed through the unfolding experiences of your life. In Karmic guidance there is nothing to fix. Instead, we focus on building a connection with your true self, allowing you to experience the fullness of life.  

Karmic Guidance is the process of revealing your greatness and unlocking total freedom. Stress, fear, depression, anxiety, anger and resentment are all expressions of living in the false narrative. And they will all naturally dissolve as you connect with your true self.

At the time of your birth you inherited a narrative for defining the experience of your life. This is the narrative of fear.

It’s woven through all you know, with many voices telling you that your life will be worth something when you accomplish, acquire, or become something more then you are now.  This narrative defines you as not truly valuable until you have earned it through hard work.

Built into this narrative of fear is stress and anxiety. The feeling that if somehow you were just to work harder, have more discipline or to be more focused leaves all of us in a perpetual state of not enough.  We take that feeling of not enough and try to manipulate the world into giving us what we need to be complete. Creating a vicious cycle of not getting what we think we need and feeling incomplete. Over and over again we act from the state of emptiness.

Your life is your karma. Karma is not punishment, it is the events of your life that are expanding your sense of self. Ever revealing a more refined being through their experience. You are greatness being revealed day after day, experience after experience.  

I invite you to step into your truth, the truth of your greatness. The truth is we live in a complete universe, a perfect system of balance and reciprocity. This world we all live in is the expression of the supreme consciousness, expanding in its vision of self through the evolution that occurs by experiencing our life events.